Board Minutes, May 2017

I. Approve minutes from last months board meeting.

Approved unanimously

 II. Updates for items discussed at the last meeting. 

A. Approve Esther Courter as the Event Coordinator. (Appointed and approved unanimously)

B. Approve Casey Asher as Social Media Manager. (Appointed and approved unanimously)

C. Change to date for Volunteer meeting. May 27th

D. Budget item. Mike Johnson, pastor, friend, and previous owner of PA system I purchased last year, has agreed to run the sound system and train someone to run our system in the future. RWWII will cover traveling cost, food, and lodging.  (approx. $200 approved unanimously)

III. Proposed 2017 Schedule 

The schedule was not reviewed, but will be at the Volunteer meeting on May 27th.

IV. Other items of business and updates. 

Roxy theater in Dixson is willing to show an add for RWWII. Last years video needs updated.

Charles modified Nawelle’s Marine 2017 T shirt design and will present his updated version to her.

V. Set date for next Board meeting and adjourn public meeting. 

June 1st